
Charles Rowley Interior Designing

Featured Products

Metal Finials Strong And Durable Metal Finials (32mm)


Adjustable Loop Centre Bracket Strong And Unique Adjustable Loop Centre Bracket (32mm)


Brass Pumpkin Finials With Designer Back Plate All Finishes

£15.99 – £36.99

Portiere Rod Fixed Black, Durable And Strong Portiere Rod (106cm)


Double Cup Centre Bracket For Curtain Pole Strong Bracket

£79.99 – £133.99

Brass Shelf Bracket Wall Mounted Shelve Brackets, Solid Bracket

£22.99 – £53.99

Black Dormer Rod Cut Down To Size 66cm with Complete Screw Kit


1 x Stair Rods 3/8″ x 28.5″ Polished Brass Stair Rods With Pineapple Finials Brand New




New Arrival


Best Quality Curtain Back Holder

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Importance of Curtain Accessories to Make Your Curtains Even Beautiful

The curtains are the most beautiful part of a room, no matter what type of room it is e.g. it’s a bedroom, living room, dining hall, or even a lunge in a house, Curtains are the most imperative part of it.

Curtain accessories, on the other hand, are something have even more importance to hang the curtains, hold them and fold them, these accessories including curtain holdbacks, Brass Poles hollow rings and curtain brackets or even whatever is being used to hang the curtains, play a vital role in look and feel of the curtains and enhance the room look too.

Fixing the curtains is itself an art and it can make the room apparently looks larger, comfortable and lighter with their wisely selected style and quality. The selection of the curtains and curtain accessories is one of the toughest parts of the interior designing process.

If someone is looking to go classic with the appearance of the room, curtain accessories must be more classic than the curtain fabric. Changing the curtain accessories to the modern ones can change the feel of the room in just a matter of minute, no matter what type of fabric for the curtains is being used.

Incredible benefits of having Bay Windows in your home.

Bay windows are an all-round home touch-up and it’s really not hard to see why. Few of us think of them as an old-fangled and conventional enhancement but the benefits they offer are more than one can shake a stick at- no two ways about it. For this reason, we have got a few modish bay windows ideas for you.

There is no denying the fact that bay windows also make for a few drawbacks too like the expense of having bay windows and getting the perfect accessories like Brass Poles and brackets for them. With that, the space can be little tricky too, which result in interfering with out-of-door areas or leaving little useful space inside the window for little else than potted plants. That’s not gross, that’s how things work.

This Is the Most Popular Time To Put Up Holiday Decorations

Picture it now: it’s early November, you’re walking your dog around the block or perhaps returning home from the grocery store, and suddenly, you spot them. You know, them: colorful LED lights, a giant inflatable reindeer, and other winter wonderland accents adorned on the exterior of your neighbor’s home. It could all only mean one thing. It is here. It is time. The holiday season is upon us. According to a recent survey, your holiday-enthused neighbor is part of a sizable group of people who put up holiday decorations long before Thanksgiving. 


Charles Rowley Interiors Ltd

Unit 3A Weston Works, Weston Lane



B11 3RP

Working hours :

Mon – Thurs : 08:00 to 04:30

Friday : 08:00 to 12:00

Closed : Saturday/Sunday 




0121 448 5980

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